The first weekend of February marked a memorable moment for the resident students of Chaminade as they moved into the new Marianist Hall building on the south side of the campus. After months of delays and lots of anticipation, the students were able to pack up their personal items from Canning Hall and leave for good. The construction is complete, mostly, except for a few minor projects on the lower level. Overall, the students seemed very excited to move in and it was definitely a change from where they had been living.
One big change for many (except the seniors), was that they now had a roommate. Each room has two beds, desks, mini refrigerators, a sink, and a storage area for their clothes and items. Additionally, there is a bathroom down the hall that two of the rooms share. The layout for each floor is fairly similar, with rooms and bathrooms on both sides, stairs and prefect / dorm parent rooms on one end, and a lounge area on the other. Outside, there is a patio area as well with seating and a grill. Inside, the lounges have couches, chairs, tables, and a television all in a communal space where the students can come together. These lounges also have a small area for food or snacks with a microwave. The upstairs lounge also includes a study room with a wall of desks, outlets, and a wired internet connection.
After talking with a few of the current resident students and getting their opinions on the new building, the results seemed to be extremely positive. For many, they just like having all the new furniture. One student noted that the beds in their new dorm were a lot more comfortable than in the old one. Additionally, the bathrooms were more private than before and the dormers complimented this. One new feature in particular was that all of the doors in the building are now controlled and unlocked by the click of a button from the student’s phone. This means that they no longer have to worry about physical keys. However, the students did have a few common critiques when asked if there was one thing they could change. Thomas An, ’26, said he would like to “open the windows in each of the rooms to allow for fresh air and a cooler temperature.” Currently, the windows are solid glass so cannot be opened, possibly for safety reasons.
Bijan Champagne, ’26, was on the first floor facing the parking lot and wished that the “curtains weren’t so easy to see through when well lit.” He was looking for some extra privacy as the window in his room was so large. Additionally, he wished that there was some sort of overhead fan in the rooms that he could use to control his temperature. Hank Seo, ’26, agreed with this.
Finally, Thomas made one more note about not his own room but the rooms of the prefects and dorm parents at the end of the halls. He said, “The prefects are stacked and have their own large kitchens and multiple rooms.” He understood why they would want such a grand room but wished that he could share some of the same qualities in his own room.
Overall, the students were all excited that they got to be the first to live in the new building and there were benefits to all of them with only a few critiques. Within only a few more weeks, the interior should be finalized and ready to use as normal. Any day students interested in seeing the new building should reach out to one of the resident students to show them around. After years of donations, fundraising, and planning, Marianist Hall is finally complete and will be a centerpiece to the Chaminade campus for years to come.