Walking into Cafe Moe during middle school lunch is wild. Some might say the atmosphere is chaotic, others might say a little rowdy and rambunctious. Throughout the chaos, the middle schoolers stand out. Not just the middle schoolers but their drip (their style).
In January I went through the lunch room during the middle school lunch. When I was there I saw different aspects of what middle schoolers wore, from chains to Nikes and Yeezys. While being down there the drip, specifically the shoes, varied so I began to take pictures so you can decide on your own.
Here are some quotes from the middle schoolers in photos:
Micah Alexis – “Sum slight.”
Courtney Woods – “Black Lives Matter.”
Preston Townsend – “ Trash.”
Phillip Gregory – “ Drip over skill.”
Gabriel Brown – “ Drip not Dripping.”
Luke Jordan – “ Calm.”
James Noutcha – “Never back down never give up.”
Nico Daly – “Straight drip 30 bands on the neck.”
After noticing the middle schoolers’ versatility in preparing themselves for school, I began to ask teachers and students for their input. The two teachers I asked were Mr. Adam Winebright and Mr. Christopher Salaveria, Here are the questions below:
Which middle schoolers’ shoes stand out the most to you?
Mr. W: Devin fisher
Mr. S: Adam Herrera, Brayden Meier
Which middle schooler comes to school the most prepared clothing-wise?
Mr. W: Matthew Sansone
Mr. S: August Bowles
Most creative middle schoolers style-wise?
Mr. W: Corbin Rodriguez
Mr. S: Chase Lottes
The craziest dressed middle schooler / Craziest thing you have seen a middle schooler wear?
Mr. W: Vally Newton
Mr. S: A bathrobe
Who is the best dripped middle schooler?
Mr. W: Aaron Rao
Mr. S: Niles Jones
Nowadays middle schoolers and high school students clothing-wise are closer than ever before. When I was in middle school we used to wear big clothes with some beat shoes, but now middle schoolers have stepped their game up.