You may know Mr. Salaveria as the high school engineering teacher, but he is much more than just that. Mr. Salaveria is a proud University of Illinois alumni, a tennis and basketball coach at Chaminade, and an avid golfer in his free time. He is dedicated to Chaminade and teaching high schoolers about real-life issues. He always engages with his students in and out of the classroom, whether it’s helping with classwork or making engineering jokes in the halls.
Mr. Salaveria’s fascinating personality is what really makes him stick out. He has many jokes and phrases, such as calling students “Inventor Masters” or “Varsity Engineers.” You might hear him quizzing students around the halls of Chaminade or talking about tennis or golf.
Many people don’t know about the viral YouTube channel that Mr. Salaveria takes pride in running. He uploads student projects and classwork onto the channel frequently. Looking at the channel can give students, teachers, or any other viewers an idea of what engineering is like at Chaminade, as well as inspiring other students in their own projects.
Having had Mr. Salaveria as my engineering teacher for three years now, I would like to reflect on my experience and share with you what it has been like. I have taken Intro to Engineering and Principles of Engineering and am now taking Digital Electronics. Over the years, Mr. Salaveria has taught me everything from product design to mechanical engineering and programming.
My experience with Mr. Salaveria and his classes has really opened up my eyes to the world of engineering. Not only do I have a better understanding of what kind of engineering I want to pursue in the future, but I have also learned how to think as an engineer and work with other people with a common goal in mind. Mr. Salaveria has taught me the importance of respect and communication when working with a group, as well as how to persevere when I am struggling with a concept. He has played and will continue to play an important role in my life as I take the next step in my education, particularly in engineering.
Overall, Mr. Salaveria is the most knowledgeable man I know in his field, but there is much more to him as a person. It is important to remember that teachers have lives outside of school, too. Sometimes all it takes is asking a few questions or telling them about your hobbies. I have found Mr. Salaveria to be one of the most well-rounded and interesting teachers I know.