1. The Lasso
This is the classic – the bread and butter, one might say. It’s how you get anyone to dance with you by literally pulling them in. If you want your friend to come over to you, then you bust it out and have a fun laugh.
2. If you were an animal, what would you be?
This is a great ice breaker because you are able to find out a lot from a person from how they answer the question. It causes it to be fun and lighthearted, and you can have a variety of answers. It comes in at number two because you can use it throughout the night – watch and see if your date acts like that animal!
3. The Conga Line
This is a classic dance move, or activity, that you can use at the party. If you are successful, then it will be lots of fun and you will be the head of the line. It involves lots of people at once, so it’s great for pulling people in that may be worried about dancing. It opens up the possibility to mix in something different, too, compared to just head bobbing.
4. If you could travel somewhere, where would it be?
This is a good question to bring out when you are in a car ride or something with your date and friends because you are bound to get a funny response. You might also learn about some cool places that you didn’t know before.
5. The Water Sprinkler
A full-on classic, but when times get tough on the dance floor, you can always go with this old-school reliable and go with the beat. It lets you sprinkle in some personality and fun retro style. Also, you will get some laughs out of it, which is a plus.
6. What are your favorite colleges?
Some people might not know what their favorite college is, but you can try to find out what they like to learn and share what you know about different schools. It doesn’t have to be serious, like “Are you into mechanical engineering?” but just keep it fun. All I have to say is MIZ.
7. The Worm
The worm is a very cool dance move, and you are sure to get some oohs and ahhs, but what brings it down the list a little bit is how difficult it is to do. You need to have some serious game and athleticism to pull it off, or else you will look like a flopping fish on the dance floor.
8. What activities do you do at school?
This is a simple one, but if you got paired up with someone, then it is a good idea to find out about their hobbies and interests. Also, the dance is a school event, so it shows that you want to be a part of school activities.
9. The Running Man
This is a classic ‘90s dance move, and it is fun and funky. The downside to it, though, is that you better not elbow someone like your date or someone else’s date, because that might not end too well. You can have fun with this one though just like your parents did – just be careful.
10. The Head Bob and Move with the Beat
You really can’t go wrong with this, but it is basic and who wants to be basic and boring at Homecoming? I know I wouldn’t want to be. Use it if all else fails. Most importantly, though, just have fun no matter what dance moves or ice breakers you use.