2021 Chaminade Heritage Week Combines Tradition with Innovation

Ryan Jenks

Chaminade Heritage week began promptly on January 25th at exactly 8:15am. It was week full of hot dogs, dad bods, coats, ties, and of course Chaminade spirit. It is this spirit that allowed the week and all its events to go on without a hitch.
Some of the events that made the week so spirit-filled were the photo look-a-like contest, Campus Ministry’s prayer service, the hot dog eating contest, the middle school spelling bee, and the Chaminade Mentor group trivia.
During the weeklong photo look-a-like contest, several photos were viewed and analyzed over the week. The photos varied among graduating classes ranging from the 1930s to the 2000s.  The photos are a great representation of the past, present and future Chaminade students.
In previous year it has been tradition to gather as a student in the skip for a mass during Estro Vir period on January 22nd. Due to the loss of Esto Vir period and COVID-19, plans were rearranged. Instead, we held a 30-minute virtual liturgy with mentor groups on Tuesday, January 26th four days after Blessed William Joseph Chaminade’s feast day.
The hot dog eating contest took place on Wednesday the 27th. This is only the second year the hot dog eating contest has been hosted. This year’s Captains brought it back in the hopes of establishing a tradition.
All five house participated in this contest by offering up two participants- one from high school and one from middle school. Participants had to eat a combined total of eight hot dogs for their house to win. The Mauclerc middle schooler accomplished quite a feat by consuming five hot dogs in three minutes. This allowed Mauclerc to win this contest easily.
The the annul middle school spelling bee was held on Thursday. Four middle schoolers participated to see who would represent Chaminade in our district spelling bee and compete with other schools in the area. The winner of this event gain house points for their house. Caden Fernandez from the Gray House won this year’s contest.
The Chaminade Trivia Competition was held on Friday the 29th- the final day of Chaminade Heritage week. Students answered questions pertaining history about Father Chaminade and the school. These questions were answered in mentor groups and the winning group won a Chick-Fil-A breakfast! The winning Mentor group was MS 14 a Gray Middle School Mentor group.
Chaminade College Preparatory school’s attitude is unique for many reasons. One of them being the five characteristics of marinist education (CMEs). These five CMEs are as follows: Educating for Formation in Faith, Providing an Integral, Quality Education, Educating for Service, Justice, Peace, and the Integrity of Creation, Educating for Adaptation and Change, and Educating in Family Spirit.