Getting Healthy at the CCP Health Fair
November 26, 2019
ATRIUM–On November 22nd Chaminade College Preparatory School hosted its annual Student Health Fair. This fair took place during the end of the students’ Esto Vir Period and during lunch.
This year, the health fair immediately followed an anti-drug addiction talk given by a series of speakers. The talk featured a fun drum performance with aesthetic music, and a serious talk about the serious drug addiction problem that the country is experiencing.
Every year, Chaminade hosts a student fair in which many both fun and educational activities are featured along the perimeter of the atrium. The event is completely free and all students are encouraged to walk through the different tables and activities that are set up. Many activities, sign-up sheets, educational presentations, and more were all featured in the atrium at the end of the talk and during lunch.
The main attraction from students towards the health fair is the fun activities and games that certain organizations bring to the fair. One of the all-time favorite health activity games of Chaminade students is where students try to follow a straight line taped on the ground with goggles on. To many people this might sound like not that daunting of a task, however; these goggles are supposed to imitate what it is like to be overly inebriated. As a result, many students struggle to get even half way down the line without taking a bad step or even falling over.
“It’s like walking blindfolded,” one student explained.
Another related game that feature these goggles involves catching a ball. The person with the goggles stands in a designated area where the thrower will toss a bright red ball to them and the person with the most catches wins. As you may expect, there were not very high numbers coming out of this game.
Another popular activity that was newer than the aforementioned games was a table where students were able try flavorful drinks made with fruits and vegetables. This taught students how to make healthy drinks to help supplement their diet if they are not getting enough fruits and vegetables.
Overall, this fair served to both entertain and educate all Chaminade students and the fair did an excellent job of doing this for everyone.